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We Seek to enlighten...We Seek to entertain...We Seek to learn


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Professor Brinson

OUR VISION is a nonprofit organization seeking to encourage and motivate interested individuals to investigate and probe deeply inside of themselves in order to unravel and discover the immeasurable wealth that is hidden at the very core of their being.  "Know Thy Self" is what a Great Sage said over 2,500 years ago in Athens.  This profound dictum held to be true then and still rings true today.  We achieve this through Wellness Education.


We are a grass root organization on a mission to educate the public about good nutrition for their physical health, high thinking for their mental health and loving relationships for their spiritual health.  We believe that these three areas of a person are all interrelated and inter-dependent upon one another.  We host various seminars or "i-Seek Sessions" to share and expand human awareness wherever people so desire it!


We seek to eliminate the jaundice vision out of people's eyes and sub-plant a new kind of outlook and insight.  Truth, as Emerson once said is so very obvious that it looks ambiguous, and therefore only a few can see it.  Emerson further says that all truth is shrouded and well hidden in the ambiguity of non-conformity.  We welcome those in the Community who consider themselves to be non-conformists.  We at will encourage all individuals from all backgrounds, colors and orientations to follow and pursue their physical, mental and spiritual DNA.


Centuries ago, one of the Great Sages uttered with deep profundity the following poetic statement:


"None is Poor, oh Bhikha.  Everybody has got Rubies and diamonds in his bundle, but how to untie the knot, he does not know and therefore he remains a pauper!"


This old adage is consistently agreed upon and enunciated by all developed Sages and Mystics to be true and shall always remain true that all human beings have a gargantuanly huge reservoir of Joy, Love and Knowledge buried inside of themselves.  The only instrument for probing and discovering this "Wealth" is human attention; but there is one condition.  We have to know where to look or to dig for this wealth. 

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